Our Books
Our bookshop has a wide range of categories and a vibrant diversity of books within. At the bookshop, our curated selection is the result of our discovering and your input. In particular, we pay prominent attention to local and Australian authors, established and rising. Some of our most popular areas of interest include:
Our Books
Our bookshop has a wide range of categories and a vibrant diversity of books within. At the bookshop, our curated selection is the result of our discovering and your input. In particular, we pay prominent attention to local and Australian authors, established and rising. Some of our most popular areas of interest include:
Our Books
Our bookshop has a wide range of categories and a vibrant diversity of books within. At the bookshop, our curated selection is the result of our discovering and your input. In particular, we pay prominent attention to local and Australian authors, established and rising. Some of our most popular areas of interest include:
About Us
As the only Independent Bookshop located between Sydney’s two CBDs, we have grown to become the literary centre of Sydney’s local community. We spend days discovering books, ever mindful of customers’ likes and dislikes. The Blues Point Bookshop is the natural home for finely curated books and your passion for reading.
If you like what you read, you may like to attend one of our events or listen to our new podcast, The Bookmark.
About Us
As the only Independent Bookshop located between Sydney’s two CBDs, we have grown to become the literary centre of Sydney’s local community. We spend days discovering books, ever mindful of customers’ likes and dislikes. The Blues Point Bookshop is the natural home for finely curated books and your passion for reading.
If you like what you read, you may like to attend one of our events or listen to our new podcast, The Bookmark.

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A Message from the Blues Point Bookshop
McMahons Point
I am sending this message to all my many loyal Bluespoint Bookshop customers, recognising that some of you will, as small business owners be in a similar situation to the Bluespoint Bookshop.
At the time of writing this email the bookshop is OPEN and I would like to assure you that the wellbeing and health of our customers is always a priority. Given the Government directive related to gatherings of more than 100 / 500 I have had to suspend The Bluespoint Bookshop Book 2020 event program until such time as restrictions are removed. However through our digital bookshop platforms we will highlight new releases and great read recommendations.
In the Bluespoint Bookshop Instagram on Saturday 14th March we advised, for those people who are self-isolated, we are offering to post or deliver free of charge (depending on location). You can email orders to bluesptbooks@bigpond.com or call the bookshop on (02) 9956 7056. If you would like to “walk around the bookshop” visit our website www.bluespointbookshop.com
On a personal note : many will be aware that I started my very small Independent bookshop 24 years ago and at midday on the 1st April 2020 the bookshop will commence its 25th year. The bookshop has weathered many a “storm” from weakened economies, the constant digital age threat, the multi-national online operators, rising rents and landlord pressures. Pride often gets in our way of saying how hard it is running a small business because we thrive on offering a personalised customer service, we read ours books and our recommendations are made with our customers in mind…
The Bluespoint Bookshop, as many know, has become an icon and the heart of the McMahons Point Community. Children have grown up in the bookshop, a baby born, a wedding proposal made, children story telling on the couch, major book event launches, Governor Generals, Prime Ministers, wonderful authors and celebrities from music, arts, stage and movie organisations have been part of the bookshop helping to create its character since the doors were opened. We have laughed and cried with our customers own stories. An Independent Bookshop in a community has always been a place of inspiration and even more so in the uncertain environment we are in right now… great books and stories of adversity overcome to help with anxiety and isolation, children’s books, classics that bring back memories and nail biting thrillers. We thrive on being word smiths and indeed would prefer to see physical distancing rather than social distancing because social connection at this time is so important.
McMahons Point is a village and a great community and we are now under threat… the book shop ,the gift shop, the florist, the grocer, the Post Office, the Chemist, Piatos (a favourite local meeting place) and the Bluespoint Pub… We do not know from day to day if we will be able to keep our doors open and we all want this community to survive, most of us are tenants and sole traders and if directed to close we will not be able to continue to pay rent without income.
There is a solution to save the community and it is to ask the Government to speak with the Insurance Companies and look at extensions of Landlord tax exemption related to nil income… We all want to stay in McMahons Point and see the village come back to life and not become an empty row of shops…
If directed by government under the stimulus banner the nation would see a glimmer of hope for their local communities, an essential ingredient to improving the frenzied anxiety of the nation…
Help us to save our village by speaking out on the importance of McMahons Point.
And remember Shop Local!
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you in the Bluespoint Bookshop.
Helen Baxter
Owner Bluespoint Bookshop